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December 2024:  Message from Mrs. Lundin

Hi Mudbug Families,

We’re here…holiday season! 2024 has no doubt been an exciting year, and we have more plans for some added fun this December. We want these next few weeks as we end the calendar year to be a fun and memorable time to come to school! We have posted a special December to Remember activity calendar for students (see below and in Class Dojo), our Christmas Program performances (see flyer below--we will have 2 performances to regulate a safe audience size), and your child’s teacher will soon be sending information regarding our Holiday Learning Activity Day, and Class Holiday Party very soon.

We are almost to the halfway mark of the school year. Hard to believe, I know! If you haven’t already, now would be a great time to ask your child about their learning goals for the year and use that information for encouragement in working hard each and every day. Our 3rd - 5th grade students have learning goals based on the LEAP Test, and our lower grade students have goals based on Reading skills, Math benchmark assessments, and Social Living benchmarks. Our hope is that all students are successful in meeting their individual goals and reach their full potential.

We hope that all of our Mudbug families have a wonderful and joyous holiday season full of fun, laughter, and love!

Quick Facts


PRE-K through 5th






Red, Black, Gray

Bell Schedule

First Bell:  8:25 am

Dismissal Bell:  3:30 pm






clubs & organizations


providing quality experiences every day

Allison Ritchie-Teacher of the Year

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Ahn-le Burnett

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